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Life & business coaching for women who want to live more (online & in person)


I’m Hannah Buchan

I believe that you deserve so much more than exhausting and relentless. You deserve to feel alive, confident and fulfilled. Through self-awareness and growth you can develop the skills and mindset you need to fully live and experience success on your terms


I’m Hannah Buchan, I’m 42 years old. Increasingly drawn to nature and the simple things as I navigate the chaos that raising three young boys brings. I’m fascinated by people, the seasons of life and the innate wisdom that we all hold within us and how we can learn to harness the huge power of our minds. 

I love the work I do and the gorgeous clients I have the privilege of working with. In fact I love my life, even the messy chaotic bits. 

But four years ago I felt totally stuck. I’d lost sight of who I was and I couldn’t see a way to get me back. My confidence was low, although no-one would have known it. And although on paper everything looked good the reality was that I felt simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed in a, ‘there must be something more?’ way with my life. 

“YOU CAN GET UNSTUCK, it’s normal to feel stuck. Most of us experience feeling very stuck at times (and regularly sticky often!).”

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Things changed when I started to really listen to myself. Gently coming back to who I was and changing my mindset has completely changed my life. Yes it looks different externally (a secretly longed for move to the coast and the huge surprise of starting my own business) but the much bigger change has been internally. 

How I feel on the inside has massively impacted on how I show up in my life, the relationships I have with those I love and how confident and resilient I feel. 

Coaching gave me the time and space to figure out who I was and how I could live the vibrant life I was craving. It can do the same for you. 


From an early age we are told (albeit subtly) what success looks like.  Often there is very little time to think about who we actually are and what we want from life. 

That was my story. I started off my career as a graduate trainee for one of the big PR agencies before changing to primary teaching in my late 20s. 

I have experienced living my life being a ‘good girl’ and trying to keep everyone else happy, it was exhausting and relentless and I completely lost sight of who I was. I think that as women we deserve so much more than that. 

Working as part of a brilliant management team in a large primary school (age 3-11) is where I first began coaching, supporting teachers in a bid to raise pupil attainment. 

When a teacher can be unapologetically themselves, when they're clear on why they’re doing what they’re doing and when their day-to-day is full of wonder and learning then they are able to be the best teacher they can be.  

Taking the time to focus on you has a positive impact on everyone around you. When women take the headspace and tools to get clear on who they are they go on to have a positive impact in the world.  

I believe the same is true no matter whether you’re a doctor, wife, artist, daughter, lawyer, mum, or business owner.

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Hannah has a great open and warm personality which made it easy for me to talk freely and trust her in our conversations, which were sometimes really personal and hard for me to talk about.
— Pippa


As a qualified, insured, supervised and experienced Life Coach with an ICF accredited Diploma in Transformational Coaching, I have the skills and expertise to support you on your journey to success whatever that may look like to you. I bring twelve plus years of experience in primary education, much of it spent focused on teacher development.

I am an accredited Mindfulness Now teacher.

I am a qualified Mental Health First Aider.

I work closely with Groundswell Scotland who support women who have experienced trauma through surf therapy. I facilitate workshops and offer 1:1 coaching through the organisation. We also run community sessions so if surfing appeals to you please do get in touch!

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If you are thinking about life coaching, I would suggest you contact Hannah without reservation and just go for it! Her time with me was invaluable and I will honestly carry little tips and hints I learnt with me forever.
— Emma