Five thoughts on turning 40.

What do you want to think about today?

Today I want to think about turning 40. I want to think about what it means to be 40, what I’ve learnt throughout my forty years and what’s to come.

What have I learnt:

  1. There is no perfect version of me. I am. That is perfect. My wanting to be skinny, shock my peers by how exceptional I am in my field and be adored by many has gone. What has replaced it? Being me. Knowing who I am. Knowing what I need to feel alive, so that no matter what happens I know I will be ok.

  2. Life is not about getting people to love you. It’s about loving yourself. Giving love. Give love, give love, give love. With no need for return.

  3. Life is fleeting. The tough bits pass. Trying for children taught me that. Ride the wave. The hard times add colour to your life in a way that the good times do not. They will make you more grateful and humble.

  4. I was taught (by society) that being a girl / woman was about keeping everyone else happy, being selfless, working hard, playing down your achievements, smiling and making others feel comfortable. At 40 a believe this is total bullshit and the best thing that you can do to support the feminist cause is to own who you are and live a full, beautiful life. Teach your children and all children that it is not selfish to do what makes you feel fulfilled and alive. People who know who they are, what they want and why they want it will change the world. Be you.

  5. Stuff is stuff. When I think of the ‘stuff’ I worked for and bought ten years ago it makes me feel nothing. When I think of the adventures and conversations I’ve had it feels me with joy.

How does it feel to turn forty? It feels like a relief. It feels like I’ve finally stepped into my power.

That’s what I’ll be celebrating this weekend.

Hannah x

Hannah Buchan