Three Things my Third has Taught me about Life

Back in the summer I had my third baby. He is suddenly three months old. Here’s what he has taught me about life so far

Love your Journey.

We got married when I was 31 and pretty much immediately started trying for children. By my 33rd birthday and after lots of tests there was still no sign of a baby. I don’t want to bore you with the ups and downs but when I look back now I am so proud of how we coped and supported each other during that period. It made us strong. Now I look back and I am so grateful for the journey. It makes me appreciate our chaotic family life and made me a lot more aware of the concept that we never know what someone else is going through behind their smile.

Your Energy is Precious

Having three reasonably close together (5, 2.5 and three month old) and running your own business is full on. I am SO aware of my energy levels. If I deplete these it’s hard to recover and show up for everyone in my life. I now absolutely prioritise me time. I try not to waste energy on anything that doesn’t serve me. I often don’t respond to whatsapp threads. I will say no thank you to social engagments. But the biggest change for me is that I now don’t worry about it.

Live Life Your Way

I think my biggest takeaway from number three is that life is fleeting. With my first those early days felt never-ending but now the time just seems to pass in a blur. It makes me realise that if I want to live an outrageously brilliant life I need to get really clear on what I want and make it happen. ‘I Wasn’t Expecting That’ by Tom Law came on in the car the other day and this line really resonated with me;

Time doesn’t take long, three kids up and gone, I wasn’t expecting that.

These are the days and intend to make the most of them.

Hannah Buchan