A Year. A Business. A Baby. A Global Pandemic.

A year ago I set up my own business. I was 8.5 months pregnant with my third child. I knew next to nothing about running a business. 

BUT. And this is the big but. I had a crystal clear purpose that remains the same a year on. 

Live More. Live More. Live More. 

For me and for all women. 

In all areas of life. 

I want women to be free from the shoulds and should nots that society holds them to. I want them to laugh. To cry. To swim in the deepest oceans and to stand up for what they believe in. I want them to dance on the tables. To know who they are. To come together to achieve amazing things. To live and to work on their terms. Clear about their why and the impact they have on the world. To launch and run brilliant businesses. To enhance their communities. I want them to be empowered to live the lives that they would want for their own children. For all children.

That is what is at the heart of what I do. Yes there have been wobbles. Yes there have been late nights. Yes I’ve juggled it all with a newborn. There has been a great big bloody global pandemic. Yes at times I’ve been more tired than I’ve ever been. And yes it has been the best year of my life. 

I have SO many things I want to achieve and people I want to work with. From supporting women to know who they are and what they want. Supporting women to start their own businesses. Working with Groundswell Scotland to develop their work with women who’ve experienced trauma. Working within education to do my bit towards raising a generation of children who know their values and their worth.

Live More. Live More. Live More. 

Friends. Fizz & freedom would be my celebration of choice. But that sandy vision will have to wait until next year. I can’t wait to bring all the women who I’ve worked with and been supported by together to raise a glass to Living More.

Year two - let’s do this!

Hannah Buchan